Friday, November 22, 2013


Are you traveling for the holidays, or is the family coming to your house?
Is there any way to keep the peace over where you are supposed to be and when?

My hubby and I have been married for almost 25 years.  In that length of time, there has been only once where we didn't make the trip to our parents'/grandparents' homes for Thanksgiving.  This year appears to be lining up for the second time that this will be the case.

It doesn't make everyone happy.  I'm not sure that I am even happy about the decision.  But, it will be the least stressful in the long run.

This year we have a child in the Cornhusker Marching Band who has to report early Friday (day after Thanksgiving) morning for band.  Two of our other children have to report early the same day at the school for the One Act practice.  Our option would be to drive to the family holiday meal and home again in one day if we want to attend.  Can it be done?  Sure.  It is fun?  No.  It would be about 6 hours on the road for one meal.  And, that's saying that the weather cooperates.

There are all sorts of creative ways for dealing with "whose turn" it is for hosting the Thanksgiving meal.  My own family used to plan for the Saturday following Thanksgiving which worked great for a number of years.  I have heard of others that plan for whatever random date on the calendar when everyone can be "home".  That makes the most sense to me, personally.   The date isn't what is important - getting together with the family is what matters.

My hubby and I grew up together.  Our parents knew each other before we even started dating.  Having both families live close together has many advantages.  But, also some disadvantages.  We were able (expected) to attend every family meal.  At every house.  Every year.  When our first born was little, that meant at least 3 Thanksgiving meals.  There was more than one year when we did lunch at one grandparent, supper at another grandparent, and then the following day at a parent's home.  And, that was only one side!  

Insane, right?  Well, it does make it difficult to relax fully.  One eye always has to be on the clock.  Then there is the packing up of all the "stuff" and becoming mobile to the next home only to repeat the process.  But, the plus side is that every year we got to see every family member.  Those memories we will have forever.  

I know that there are some who decided that once they had kids, they were not going to travel any more.  I applaud them.  I'm happy that that works for them.  But, my hope is that when I am old and gray, my kids will follow the example that we set for them and come with their children to visit me.  Even if we have Thanksgiving in May.

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