Sunday, July 7, 2013

ESCAPE to Grandma's!!

Summertime.  The schedule around here changes.  Things become a little more relaxed as a few things drop off the calendar for a season.

It is refreshing to have the schedule change.  I find myself starting to look forward to the activities of the fall as summer winds down, but for now I enjoy the relaxed pace and freedom my kids can enjoy.

Both of my daughters took a close friend and went to spend a week in Kearney with their grandmothers.  Both mine and my husband's mothers live there - nearly walking distance apart.  Ok, a long walk, but it can be done.  My mom is 84 and hubby's mom is 71.  They are each living alone, and I think (hope!) that they enjoy having the girls come visit as much as the girls enjoy going.

The girls take their friend and go for a week.  It is a week of total freedom for them.  They spend time doing whatever they want, whenever they want.  I know that my mom has a list in place of things that she wants help with around the house…. mostly getting rid of weeds, or adding paint.  The girls do a bit of work and then get to play for the rest of the day.  Not a bad trade off at all!  I'm pretty sure that the whole goal is to eat as much junk food as they can possibly consume and stay up late watching movies.  No one to tell them they HAVE to go to bed.

My youngest went first just shortly after school was out for the summer.  She and her friend  had spent hours getting plans in place.  They did some cooking, and a LOT of shopping.  

My older daughter just got home from her week away with her friend.  They had a terrific time as well.  Being older she got the opportunity to DRIVE while she was there.  It makes my heart happy, though, to hear her report that as nice as it was to have access to grandma's Cadillac or grandma's Lincoln she was ready to drive her truck again.  

I think that the opportunity for the girls to do something away from mom with the safety of a grandma there allows them to grow in ways that they wouldn't otherwise get to experience.  I love it that they get the chance to do this! Those memories will be around forever.

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